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4.6 ( 7376 ratings )
Productiviteit Diensten


Do you need to convert bolivars to other currencies quickly and reliably?
MiReferencia is the perfect tool for you.

Why choose MiReferencia?
- Updated Rates: We base our conversions on the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), always guaranteeing the most accurate data.
- Customization: Define your own conversion rates for your daily negotiations.
- Easy to Use: Our app is designed for intuitive navigation, quick and easy interaction.
- Active Community: Help us improve MiReferencia with your suggestions.

- No Government Affiliation: MiReferencia is not affiliated with the Central Bank of Venezuela or any other government entity. All information provided is obtained from public and official sources.
- Disclaimer: To obtain accurate and updated information on exchange rates, we recommend that you consult directly with the Central Bank of Venezuela.
- Source of information: All the information on the rates shown in MiReferencia has been obtained from the official portal of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV).

What are you waiting for?
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